Transcom Group Limited is a Bangladeshi business conglomerate. The businesses under this group include beverage, pharmaceuticals, newspaper, radio channel, electronics, foods etc. This group employs more than 10,000 people. Transcom Group is one of the oldest and biggest companies in Bangladesh. Their operation in Bangladesh initially started in 1885 as a tea plantation company.
Post Name: Sales Representative.
Institute Name: Transcom Consummer products Ltd.
Number of job vacancies: N.A
Type of Jobs: Sales/ Marketing
Job category: Full Time
Job Level: Entry
Job description: N/A
Educational Requirements: HSC Pass
Experience Requirements: 2-3 years
Additional Job Requirements: N/A
Other Benefits: As per company policy.
Salary: Negotiable
Jobs Location: Dhaka
Age limit for jobs: Maximum 28 years
Job Posting Date: 30th October 2016
Jobs Deadline: 6th November 2016
Jobs Source: Prothom alo
ফেসবুকে আমাদের সাথে যুক্ত থাকতে ক্লিক করুন এখানে –
Web Address: N.A
Address: Transcom Consummer products Ltd., Gulshan Tower(4th Floor), Plot# 31, Road# 53, Gulshan North C.A, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh